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Down with your Guard’ is the new single from Niamh Murphy released on October 16th. The song unexpectedly went viral when an early version found its way onto social media.

Niamh and Declan brought it into the studio and feel they have realised its full potential.

Hailing from Cork, Niamh invites you to share a journey – a series of song releases building to a beautiful album which will be the heart of a series of live gigs.

In the Summer of 2021, Niamh and Declan Sinnott began recording. They found more than a little in common but also revelled in their differences. They soon realised they were making something really special.

Niamh sings, writes songs and plays piano.

Declan plays guitar, produces records and writes and sings as well.

Declan is well known for his seminal work over the years with Horslips, Moving Hearts, Mary Black, Christy Moore, Sinead Lohan, his own solo work and much more.

Niamh and Declan invite you to share a journey – a series of song releases building to a beautiful album which will be the heart of a series of live gigs.

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