Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

Pure Cork Brand

We have worked very closely together over the past two years to understand all that Cork has to offer to visitors. The result is an exciting new brand that brings together all of our collective ideas expressed in a singular offer through a vibrant new visual identity.

Matched with the motivations of visitors at home and overseas, our brand imaginatively embraces the spirit of the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East.

Simply put - Cork is Ireland’s Maritime Haven. Our proposition is based around our significant maritime history spanning over a thousand years, set in a beautiful soft coastal environment. The land, the people and their culture will allow our visitors to discover a quirky way to stimulate all of their senses.

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Who Developed The Brand?

Pure Cork is a strategic initiative, started in 2015, which set out to brand Cork as a visitor destination. In developing the brand, the name Cork has been used to represent both the county and city of Cork. The strategy, led by Cork City and County Councils and a high-level Tourism Strategy Group, set out a vision and action plan which gives cohesive direction to the future growth of tourism in Cork.

This process was supported by Fáilte Ireland. 


Why We Have Developed A Brand

Cork as a tourism proposition is, as yet, not fully known across many international markets and segments. Visitors, both domestic and international frequently overlook, or are simply unaware of, all that Cork offers.

We must establish Cork as the place to explore two of the best experiences in Ireland – the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East.

Our Pure Cork brand is an endorsement of a uniquely rewarding visitor experience. It sets out to differentiate Cork from all other destinations by reflecting its character in a distinctive and meaningful way.

Places that are clear about their brand promise and values stand a better chance of being profitable and sustainable in the future than those that rely on more mixed messaging.



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