Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

Café chain with comfortable seating, good coffee and delicious food in the heart of Cork city.

We have come from a grass roots organisation that started off in an office above our cafe. From the beginning, we embraced the values of fairness, decency, warmth, kindness and the pursuit of excellence. Our approach to coffee sourcing is no different. If we’re to continue to create excellent coffee, we need to ensure our farmers are fairly rewarded. At Caffè Nero, we owe our reputation to sourcing high quality beans, and we pay premium prices for those beans.

At present, the vast majority of the beans in our unique blend are sourced from identifiable and traceable sources, and we are working hard to ensure we purchase every bean this way.

We’re also working with the Rainforest Alliance on the certification of our beans and on encouraging sustainable livelihoods for our farmers, taking responsibility not just for great coffee, but supporting communities and the environment where our coffee is grown.

As well as coffee, food is an important part of our café culture and so our hunt for the highest quality, freshest food that caters for everyone never stops.

Our development team constantly reacts and adapts, looking to where we can reduce salt, fat, sugar, or offer alternative products in response to your valuable feedback.

We?re transparent: everything is clearly labelled and all nutritional information can be found on our website.

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